Presenter Jerome Dowling

Jerome Dowling is an English actor based in London who was trained as an actor at the Manchester School of Theatre between 2013 and 2016. He also previously worked as a director and producer for Quantum Frolic Theatre and independents.

His recent works include Romeo and Juliet with Polunin Ink, directed by Johan Kobborg at the Royal Albert Hall, The Show Must Go On with Vienna English Theatre, directed by Glenn Tillin (touring across Austria), From Age to Age with Dramestics, and providing the voiceovers for ‘Soundtrack’ with the Bristol Pre Conservatoire.

Jerome has also been employed or was involved with highly rated companies including The Royal Opera House, HOME theatre (Manchester), TNT / ADG Europe, BT Sport, Studio Yes, Caravan Theatre and the Cambridge Shakespeare Festival.

Aside from performance art, Jerome works for the John Hansard Gallery in Southampton and has participated in a number of their community art projects and installations, which included Modern Nature featuring the work of past filmmaker Derek Jarman. A keen traveller, Jerome has journeyed across the globe as a performance artist (Asia, Europe, and North America) and is now excited to be performing in Scotland for the first time.