Parents and carers with young babies this is for you!

Your world has just been turned upside down by a new arrival, you’re probably functioning on less sleep than you’d like and you’re not 100% sure what day of the week it is! Now more than ever, it is essential that you devote a little time each week to yourself and the RSNO Buggy Choir is the perfect way to do this, with no need to find childcare.  

The RSNO Buggy Choir is a weekly singing session where new parents/carers join together in a relaxed environment, with babies in tow, to enjoy singing together. Group singing is proven to boost emotional and mental wellbeing and provides an opportunity to focus on self-care and wellbeing at a time when caring for yourself as a parent is vital.

Session Sign Up
There are a limited number of places available at each session as we wish to keep the group a comfortable size for both parents and babies. With this in mind, we ask you to sign up each week to the session if you wish to attend. The places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. There are 25 adult places available for each session and sessions can be booked one week in advance.